I'm bragging again, but I honestly hate that word!! Jade just called me though... he is in South Jordan today at a ropin and him and his brother Shad just won the #15 ropin!!!
This is our phone conversation:
ring ring:
me: hello!
jade: guess who's picture you're gonna see in the super looper next month?
me: are you serious?!
jade: ya....
So i'm so excited for him! I love him and he is so much fun! I think I am going to retire from goin to ropin's though, because everytime I stay home he wins!
Friday, May 30, 2008
just pics of home
This is a pic of the Diamond W coming home from work last night.

This is my parents old house. Most of their stuff is still there but they are sleepin in the new house now. :) Kind of sad.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

last night was the team ropin for the testicle festival. jade won the rifle! he won 1st, 3rd, and 5th i think. i kept calling him and he kept telling me he was roping with everyone so i told him to win so he wouldn't have to pay anything. :) AND he didn't have to pay anything so that was great!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
baby mama
Maui finally had her babies!!! She had 3 on Sunday and 2 on Monday morning!! So if you can't count... that is 5!
Friday, May 23, 2008

New story... he sent me roses at work today... for no special reason! I called him and he simply said that they are because I am the greatest thing that has ever happened to him...
I love you Jader!

I have a work plant & a cute picture on my desk now! Wanted to share! :)

AND, i'm only going to say this one more time!
it is friday!!!
Today is my crazy friends birthday!! Happy Birthday Shelly!!! You rock and I love working in the same building as you!! Except for the days that you are gone! Anyways... hope you have a great day & wish I had a funny picture to put up of you but I don't so have a wonderful day!!!!
Well, another successful St George trip down!! We had so much fun!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
*catch up*
Well wouldn't you know... my camera was dead & all it needed was a good charge, so I kind of owe it an apology for threatening to throw it. sorry...
ANYHOW! i have a few pics just for fun so that you can have something to look at if you are ever desperate enough to read my page!!

These are my lovely parents! They are the greatest! We ended up taking my mom out to dinner at Chili's for Mother's Day!

I know... we are ridiculous.

K, that is my latest. I think I am all caught up!! xoxo

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
no life... at all!
i tell you what... i have nothing to blog about. like how sad is that??? i tried to post some pics earlier but my camera won't turn on- i think i'm gonna throw it and see if that helps. in 15 minutes i get to go to the junction and help my mother paint her new house. should be a good time, but painting is not a strength of mine. it usually results in mom saying "no, you have to do it like this" and then taking over & making me feel bad. but i'm gonna give it a run.
oh, i attempted to have my first conversation in spanish today. i guess i should have taken a spanish class because he couldn't understand a word, but i actually helped the guy and everything is good. did i mention that it was on the phone? which i personally feel was much harder because he couldn't see my wonderful hand talking skills! :)
Oh, I ate at the gator today and i feel like french fry/onion ring grease is seaping out of my pores, which makes me feel that much better about myself. oh & shelly... i wish you were at work today because I wore fake eyelashes. no, they aren't feathers but it is the first time i have been able to last all day without yanking them off. usually i will try to put them on at home and end up getting glue all over my face so ya...
oh, i attempted to have my first conversation in spanish today. i guess i should have taken a spanish class because he couldn't understand a word, but i actually helped the guy and everything is good. did i mention that it was on the phone? which i personally feel was much harder because he couldn't see my wonderful hand talking skills! :)
Oh, I ate at the gator today and i feel like french fry/onion ring grease is seaping out of my pores, which makes me feel that much better about myself. oh & shelly... i wish you were at work today because I wore fake eyelashes. no, they aren't feathers but it is the first time i have been able to last all day without yanking them off. usually i will try to put them on at home and end up getting glue all over my face so ya...
Monday, May 12, 2008
st george
our trip to st george was a huge success! no clouds, massive rays, and a freakin sweet hotel! we layed out for 2 days straight, did a little shopping, & i beat my own personal goal of watching movies: 5 movies in 3 days.
whit, laura & me at midnight with our feet in the pool. we considered sleepin on blow up beds, but somehow kaboshed that one.
and for all of you who are really wondering..... the movies we watched are: ps i love you, 27 dresses, & at the theatre we watched: baby mama, made of honor, & what happens in vegas! i loved all of them but the vegas one was my favorite!
Monday, May 5, 2008

Well tonight is the night!! We have been playing volleyball every Monday night for the past 3 months and tonight is the finals! We are starting out playing the other Rich County team and then we will see. We will most likely be playing 3 games tonight and if things go South we could end up playing 4 which would mean we play the other Rich team 3 times. Intense right? I'm excited to be done but it has been so much fun playing with all of my friends and giving me something to do! Jade has been a faithful fan from the beginning and I love him so much!
On the other hand... i'm so happy that it is getting warm! As of right now my plans for the next two weekends are going to St. George to lay by the pool! I hope I get fried to a crisp!!! Not really, but I hope I come home tan so I don't have to worry anymore about wearing shorts in public!! Does anybody have any good books that they recommend I start reading? I love laying out and reading. It is my favorite except for the fact that under my chin doesn't get tan because I'm always looking down. :) I'll figure something out though! I have some more branding pictures to post so I will try to get on that sometime. Or else I will just tell you to go to Shers! She has lots of fun pictures of our weekend.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
holla for the weekend!
way to go jazz!
so we are having a wonderful time! we branded last night and we are getting ready to right now!!! jades family is here and a bunch of friends are coming. it is going to be so much fun... i love my dad, this is his attempt to brand either the camera or my mom's forehead!
so we are having a wonderful time! we branded last night and we are getting ready to right now!!! jades family is here and a bunch of friends are coming. it is going to be so much fun... i love my dad, this is his attempt to brand either the camera or my mom's forehead!
Friday, May 2, 2008

So I hate to admit this, but I gave in & watched the movie Sweeny Todd. It isn't scary if you go in thinking that it is a classic and focus on the words. If you just watch the movie, you could get a little scary. It is a musical so the story comes out in the songs, and the songs were beautiful. Johnny Depp has an amazing voice. But the movie is still kind of disturbing based on the fact that people come to him to get a shave and then he ends up killing them, and drops them down the shute into the basement where Mrs. Lovett then chops them up and makes meat pies. YUCK!! But they both get theirs.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
1. What is his name? Jader C. Willis (he'd die if I told everyone his middle name and i guess it's really just Jade not Jader, but ya know)
2.How long have you been married? September 27, so what is that??? 7 months and a few days! (and not one fight (serious fight))
3.How long did you date? Lets see, we met in April 06 and got married in Septemer 07.
4.How old is he? 24 years old!!
5. Who eats more? Hmmm, i'm a closet eater so i'm thinking its probably even. :)
6.Who said I love you first? Jader. He asked me what I'd say if he told me he loved me, and I was like hmm, i'd probably say it back. Then i sat there forever wondering if he was going to say it or if he was just bein gay like usual and then he finally said it. I was so excited that I couldn't say it for awhile.
7.Who is smarter? Oh definitely me... just kidding. Jade is very smart!
8.Whose temper is worse? Anybody that knows Jade knows the answer to that question.
9. Who does the laundry? Same answer as above.
10. Who does the dishes? Again, same answer.
11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Jade
12. Who pays the bills? My knight in shining armor...
13. Who cooks dinner? Usually my mom!! haha. I don't have an oven & my parents invite us over every night so we are set until they move!
14. Who drives when you are together? I'll drive every once in a long while, but never when it is dark. I would never admit it to his face, but Jade is a pretty good driver.
15.Who is more stubborn? We are pretty even.
16. Who proposed? My loving husband did, and i had no idea it was even coming. He did it at the testicle festival in front of everyone!!!
17. Who has more friends? We both have plenty of friends!!
18.Who has more siblings? Jade has 2 sis' & 1 bro, and I have 2 bro's & 1 sis.
19.Who wears the pants in the family? Me.... hahahahahah
*I love Jade sooo much. He is the greatest part of my life and I'm so thankful that he is who is. He is so understanding and unselfish. He'll do anything that I want even if he hates the thought. He is my everything!
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