I apologise to anyone who checks my blog everyday only to find the same old nothing, but I regret to inform you yet again, that today is pretty much the same. I just want to make it look like I do lots of fun things and have stories to tell, but my life has pretty much consisted of packing boxes and painting my new house. I haven't taken pictures yet but I will try to post some soon enough!
I do have a new calling however... i am the new chorister in Primary! How scary! I just got put in 2 weeks ago, and the program is in 5 Sundays and my poor kids don't know half of the songs. We have made 2 posters so far, but I'll be working on a few more! :) Kinda fun though. Jade got released as a primary teacher so he thinks he is pretty lucky.
He went ropin last weekend and when he got home Saturday night, he was all like I got you something this weekend... actually i got you 2 things. So I was so excited thinking he bought me a gift, but he brought home 2 puppies. He is so sweet isn't he? So now there are 4 puppies at our house and it is kind of hard to pack stuff in when there are 4 puppies running right underneath you. So I got him 2 things yesterday! I brought Maui and our kitten to the house. I thought it was only necessary since Jade woke me up the other night begging me to turn the light on because he heard a mouse (who in their right mind would turn the light on for their husband after he said there is a mouse in the room??). So anyways, I proved my point, but I put them outside in the old house when I left for work this morning.
I am 16 weeks along today and I feel great. I don't think I am to the point where I am showing. I have always had a slight belly and now that people think I'm pregnant, they are always saying, oh look at your belly. I assure you, it is fat. But hopefully someday I will get to the stage where you can actually tell that I am a pregnant woman... but anyways, that is the update! Oh and I am goin on a cruise!!!