Jade roped all over this weekend so Brayker and I played at Bob & Laura's house. We had a good time. We went to Aunt Leslie's house and played cards until 3Am. Such a blast!!!
Had a blast though and was able to make it home for church on Sunday.

This is the ropin in Reno that my dad ropes in. This is only half the guys, they fill the whole arena and it is so neat to see them all sitting here during the national anthem. I was sad that I didn't get to go this year not only because of the
strawberries, but because I just love Reno:)

Brayker eating his sweet carrots...

Brayker & Tagg sleepin after a little ride...

This is my cute cute cousin
Cash. He is so fun and I was so happy to finally meet him. This is at the dinner after Tyler John's Welcome Home. We are excited he is home too and he gave a good talk.